Sunday, December 16, 2007

How many God kids Do you have?

This meme was created to remind us “Ninongs” and “Ninangs” the number of our godchildren and our responsibility towards them as they grow and mature as better Christians. Here are the rules:

* List all the names of your godchildren
* Tag at least 5 bloggers
* Update the Tag Train

This meme was shared to me by jennyR yesterday. I'm sorry jen its late, Im glad she always remembers my blog .
But you know what jen I don't have any God kids yet. LOL i guess I'm still young to have one. Joke. Really i don't have. I am sure next year il be a Godparent. My best friend will be having her first baby on June. Most of my friends and classmate are still single and having their career. Not like me got married early. lol HELLO I'm happily married anyways.

How many GODkids do you have?


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